Thursday, November 06, 2008

Give me a break!

The election is over and Obama won! You gotta love it!

Now on to other issues. I went shopping last night, walk in the door @ Wally World. Christmas music? Are you kidding me its not even Thanksgiving yet and these ass hats are playing Christmas music. I thought I would go nuts the whole time I was getting groceries! Monday and Tuesday it was 70 degrees, the check out lady said they started playing it on Saturday the 1st. Give me a break... her comment was "they are trying to get people to spend money because of the economy.
Like we don't have enough to do we need to make sure Wally World hit their 4th quarter profits!!

So here is my suggestion DON'T BUY ANYTHING FROM WAL-MART!

There are other stores that are doing this I'll leave that up to whoever reads this.

But for me I'm done with them.

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