Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Another Year down

2007 another tick mark on the seat-post!

A short recap.
  1. Full winter in Wisconsin= Not as bad as I thought.
  2. One year down at the new job= Beats working for a living!
  3. Commute to work Longer then an hour. (if you didn't know 45 miles)=see #2 also 2100 miles
  4. Light weight commuter bike=miles of fun=also see #2
  5. Having a stay at home Wife=its a family blog enough said B-)
  6. Finding cool places to ride=Dude I can't begin to list them all!
  7. Capn Cowbell & our old neighbors stopping by for a visit=Damn I miss my Omaha FRIENDS!
  8. My parents 50th wedding anniversary=Damn that a long time!
So all in all I'd say its been a good year!

And lets hope that 2007 was good to each and everyone. And 2008 will be even better!
Peace and Grease!

1 comment:

ajb said...

Omaha's missin' ya too, hombre... polo isn't the same...